FAQ — Mister Shut


In this section we have collected the answers to the most common questions regarding Mister Shut entrance doors.

Where to find Mister SHUT armored doors?

Mister Shut is present throughout the country through resellers. To find out the address of the nearest retailer and where you can view the Mister Shut armored doors on display, it is advisable to send an email using the contact form.

What function does the defender have?

The defender is the body that protects the cylinder and thanks to its shape does not allow it to rotate. Mister Shut also uses built-in protections that increase the aesthetic impact of the product, guaranteeing cleanliness in the details, without compromising on safety.

What is the difference between armored doors with motorized and mechanical closing?

Motorized closing is adopted on electronic locks: the closing is activated by placing the door close to the frame: in this way the bolts are activated automatically, making the door safe. Mechanical locking is the traditional method in which to open the door or secure it, the bolts are activated by turning the key.

Do you make custom doors?

Yes, Mister Shut creates tailor-made and customizable doors according to the customer’s needs, after checking the feasibility.

Do you make doors with glass?

Yes, it is possible to create doors with glass, in the versions with windows, with fanlight or sidelight.

Is it possible to avoid condensation?

This topic must be addressed when configuring the armored door: it is also essential to guarantee a certain daily air flow through ventilation procedures which reduces the formation of condensation.

Is there an armored door with a concealed thermal frame hinge?

Yes, Mister Shut offers the possibility of configuring the thermal break frame on the Planar model door. The frame guarantees optimal thermal insulation standards, lowering the thermal transmittance value from 1.4 W/m2k to 1.0 W/m2k

On which door model can the thermal break frame be installed?

The thermal break frame can be installed on Entry and Planar model doors.

Is it possible to open a door via a dedicated app?

Yes. The smart model lock, with motorized closing, allows opening via Bluetooth app.

Is it possible to open a door using a biometric reader?

Yes, the biometric reader, combined with a motorized lock, guarantees the possibility of opening via a fingerprint reader.

What should I do if I lose the keys to the armored door?

It is important to contact the retailer where the armored door was purchased. Based on the type of cylinder configured, the dealer will be able to guide you in resolving the problem.

Is it possible to customize the internal lining?

You can customize your own internal panel. Customization must take place in agreement with the retailer.

How long is the delivery time for a Mister Shut armored door?

Delivery times depend on the chosen configurations, sizes and coverings.